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Terms and Conditions

Article 1 [Purpose)
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions”) is to stipulate all matters related to New Air Solution (hereinafter “Company”) and its members.

Article 2 (Effectiveness of Terms and Conditions, etc.)
① The terms and conditions become effective when they are announced and the other party agrees. Disclosure of these terms and conditions shall be made by posting them on the company website ({homepageㅣURL code}).
② The Company may revise the Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws, such as the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions.
③ If the company revises the terms and conditions, the effective date and reason for revision will be specified and announced on the company website at least 7 days prior to the effective date.
④ Terms and conditions notified of changes as per Paragraph 3 shall also be valid for existing members.

Article 3 (Interpretation of Terms and Conditions and Jurisdiction Court)
① Matters not specified in the Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by relevant laws and commercial practices.
② If a dispute arises between a member and the company, the competent court shall be the Seoul Central District Court.

Article 4 (Definition of terms)
‘Member’ refers to a person who has registered as a member by providing personal information to the company and can continuously use the services provided by the company.

Article 5 (Membership Registration and Qualifications)
① You are registered as a member by filling out your member information in the form set by the company and then applying for membership.
② In any of the following cases, the company may not recognize membership or may revoke membership.
1. If you applied for membership using someone else’s name
2. If required information is falsely entered when applying
3. If an application is made or an action is taken for the purpose of violating relevant laws and regulations
4. If an application is made or an act is performed for the purpose of undermining social order or public morals.
5. In case of threatening the electronic transaction order, such as interfering with other people's use of the company or stealing the information.
③ If the company revokes membership, membership registration will be canceled. In this case, the member will be notified in advance and given an opportunity to explain.

Article 6 (Acquisition and use of personal information)
① The company establishes and implements a personal information protection policy and complies with laws regarding the acquisition, use, and protection of personal information. The privacy policy is posted at all times at the bottom of the homepage.
② The company cannot use personal information provided by customers for purposes other than this service.
③ The company cannot provide personal information provided by the customer to a third party without the customer’s prior consent. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.
1. When providing domain name search services
2. At the request of a state agency pursuant to related laws such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications
3. When there is a purpose for investigating a crime or there is a request from the Information and Communication Ethics Committee.
4. When using member information (name, address, phone number) for business contact
5. When sharing some information only for matters related to banking business
6. When necessary for statistical compilation, promotional materials, academic research, or market research, in a form that does not identify a specific customer.
When provided

Article 7 (Withdrawal of Membership)
① Members may request withdrawal from the company at any time, and the company will immediately process membership withdrawal.
② If the expiration date of the service the member is using from the company has not passed, the company will not process withdrawal.

Article 8 (Notification to members)
① When the company notifies a member, it can do so using the e-mail address the member submitted to the company.
② In the case of notice to an unspecified number of members, the company may substitute individual notice by posting it on the company bulletin board for more than one week.

Article 9 (Issuance and use of coupons)
① A coupon refers to an online or offline coupon that provides a discount of a certain amount or percentage when paying for company services. Members can use the coupon.
② Coupons can be issued by the company, and the scope of use of the coupon, discount limit, expiration date, restrictions, etc. are displayed on the coupon or service screen.
③ In principle, coupons must be used within their validity period and cannot be reissued, transferred, sold or refunded.

Article 10 (Obligations of the Company)
① The Company does its best to provide continuous and stable services in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
② The company always does its best to ensure information security by taking administrative and technical security measures for personal information, including registrant information.
③ The company does its best to maintain order in e-commerce through fair and sound operations and contributes to the development of the Internet business by maximizing customer satisfaction by providing quality services through continuous research and development.
④ If the company determines that inconveniences and problems raised by customers are justified, it will immediately handle them with priority. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the customer will be notified immediately of the reason and processing schedule.
⑤ The company actively cooperates with requests from consumer protection groups and public institutions for data necessary to promote consumer protection work.

Article 11 (Member’s Obligations)
① Members are responsible for all management of ID and password.
② Members must not allow third parties to know their ID and password.
③ Members must comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and related laws.

Supplementary provisions